The Text Analysis and Machine Learning Group
What is Knowledge Management? |
The team |
Brief history |
Our research seminar series
TAMALE is a world-class center
of excellence in Data Mining, Text Mining, and Language Engineering.
is Knowledge Management?
Knowledge management is
considered here as a research field that combines Data
Mining, Text Mining and Language Engineering, and builds
on the technologies of Databases, Data Warehousing and Knowledge Bases. Specifically,
- Data Mining is
a field of research that extracts implicit, actionable knowledge from large,
often unstructured data repositories. Data Warehousing addresses the
organization of this data. For instance, data mining methods analyze gene
expression data collected on DNA chips and builds a temporal model of that
- Text Mining, also known as Information Extraction from Text, identifies in
large repositories of texts (e.g. news wire, Internet, virtual libraries)
specific information of interest to the user. For instance, a text mining
system will provide geneticians with knowledge of all interactions of two
specific proteins ever mentioned in the bibliographic database MedLine
within the last three years.
- Language Engineering combines techniques,
representations, and algorithms that are collectively capable of advanced
information processing involving natural language, e.g. answering
questions about contents of a book, summarizing and compressing texts etc.
For instance, a system reading texts on proteomics and summarizing them
for a given research group, and ranking them with respect to their
relevance for the group?s interests, is an example of a Language
Engineering application.
Full-time faculty:
- Dr. Diana Inkpen; Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
for Text Classification
- Dr. Natalie Japkowicz; Data Mining/Machine Learning, Natural Language
Processing (now at American University in Washington, DC)
- Dr. Stan Matwin; Integrated Data Mining and applications (now retired,
Canada Research Chair at Dalhousie University)
- Dr. Stan Szpakowicz; Natural Language Processing (now retired,
professor emeritus)
- Dr. Thomas Tran; E-commerce applications
- Dr. Marcel Turcotte; Data Mining, Bioinformatics
- Dr. Herna Viktor; Machine Learning Foundations and Algorithms, Online
Learning and Rare Events, Data-driven discovery and Big Data
- Dr. Yongyi Mao; Theoretical Machine Learning
- Dr. Paula Branco; Machine Leanrning, Imbalanced Data
- Dr. Andre Vellino; Information Systems (cross-appointed from the
School of
Information Studies)
- Dr. Marina Sokolova; Machine Learning for E-health
(cross-appointed with Faculty of Medicine)
Research Associate:
- Dr. Jelber Sayyad Shirabad; Machine Learning and Application to
Software Engineering
Below we refer to the
group members by their initials.
Brief History
Research in machine learning
started at University of Ottawa in 1988 when S. Matwin created the Ottawa Machine Learning Group. Initially it focused on analytical machine learning, as well as fundamental issues
of inductive learning. R. C. Holte joined in 1989. With time, strong links
were built with the Natural Language Lab led by S. Szpakowicz and in 1995 a joint group
under the name of Text Analysis and Machine Learning (TAMALE) was
launched. At different times, M. Marchand, K. Barker, C. Barriere, N.
Japkowicz, L. Peyton, H. Viktor, I. Kiringa, and D. Inkpen, Y. Mao, P.
joined the group. Some of the above left the group.
TAMALE has quickly gained
international status in a number of areas of data mining and language
engineering, e.g. Inductive Logic Programming, Performance Evaluation,
Learning and NL, Syntactic Processing of NL. In 2000, L. Duquette from the
Second Language Institute, with active participation of C. Barriere, S. Matwin, S. Szpakowicz, and D. Inkpen has created the Groupe de recherche en ing?ierie de la
langue (GRIL) which was a vehicle
for collaboration of researchers from computer science, linguistics, and
psychology, working on language engineering.
Current application areas in
TAMALE span bioinformatics, computational linguistics, e-commerce and e-health.
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