The Text Analysis and Machine Learning Group

Executive summary | What is Knowledge Management? | The team | Brief history | Results and accomplishments | Current graduate students | International, national and industrial cooperation


Results and accomplishments  

Training of HQP  

Over the years, TAMALE has hosted ten Postdoctoral Fellows, each working with us for at least a year. Those were:  

Peter Clark, currently at Boeing,

David Aha, currently Head, Intelligent Decision Group, Naval Research Labs, Washington , D.C.

Carl Feng, currently at HummingBird,

Gilles Fouqué, subsequently  at UCLA,

Denys Duchier, currently at the Fraunhofer Institute

Yllias Chali, currently at University of Lethbridge,

Miroslav  Kubat, currently at University of Florida ,

Chris Drummond, currently at NRC,

Berry De Bruijn, currently at NRC

Kazumi Saito, currently at NTT Japan

Jean-Francois Delannoy, subsequently at RES Research,

Erick Alphonse, currently at Universite de Paris XI. 


Since 1990 the group has produced 10 PhDs and 30 Masters, including:  

Dr. K. Barker, currently at U. of Texas, Austin,

Dr. D. Charlebois, subsequently at Motorola,

Dr. R. Rios, currently at University of Fortaleza .

Dr. Mostefa Golea

Dr. Saeed Hadjifaradji

Dr. S. Delisle, currently at Université du Québec à Trois Rivieres

Dr. B. Pelletier, currently at Druid Informatique Inc.

Dr. M. Ouerd

Dr. J. Morin,

Dr. C. Drummond, currently at NRC


Current graduate student supervision: 

30 M.Sc. 

11  PhDs.

See Appendix II for details.


TAMALE Seminar  

One of the main activities of the group is the weekly seminar initiated in 1988 by S. Matwin. Currently in its 15th year of operation, we  have held approximately 200 research meetings. The seminar provides an open forum for presentation and discussion of research by group members, graduate students, and members of the larger Knowledge Management community in Ottawa. Many of the leading researchers in the field have appeared as speakers throughout the years. Dr. Japkowicz led the TAMALE seminar in 2001/02. (See Appendix IV for the more than 100 invited presentations since 1997).


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