The Text Analysis and Machine Learning Group

Executive summary | What is Knowledge Management? | The team | Brief history | Results and accomplishments | Current graduate students | International, national and industrial cooperation


Fall 2003

Sept. 11, 12:00 pm Coquelicot Paquot, Changhua Wu, Stan Matwin

Topological structure of the gene regulation networks

Oct. 2, 11:30 am Magdalena Widlak
University of Ottawa

Influence of Word Sense Disambiguation on Text Classification

Oct. 9, 11:30 am Nathalie Japkowicz
University of Ottawa

Report from the ICML'2003 Workshop on Learning from Unbalanced Data Sets (II)

Oct. 16, 11:30 am Sylvain Letourneau

Generation of Globally Relevant Continuous Features in Machine Learning

Oct. 23, 11:30 am Evangelos Milios
Dalhousie University

Automatic term extraction for information retrieval and document set summarization

Oct. 30, 11:30 am Matthieu Hermet
University of Ottawa

Discrimination of texts following discourse categories and using multi-classification techniques

Nov. 6, 11:30 am Diana Inkpen
University of Ottawa

Unsupervised learning of extraction patterns for near-synonym distinctions

Nov. 13, 11:30 am Chris Drummond

C4.5, Class Imbalance, and Cost Sensitivity:
Why Under-Sampling beats Over-Sampling

Nov. 27, 11:30 am Jerffeson Souza
University of Ottawa

Parallel Feature Selection

Dec. 4, 11:30 am Jelber Sayyad
University of Ottawa

Mining software change records

Dec. 11, 11:30 am Marina Sokolova
University of Ottawa

Language in Electronic Negotiations

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