DATE: Mon, June 27, 2016
TIME: 1:30 pm
TITLE: How and About what do patients talk in health forums?
PRESENTER: Mike-Donald Tapi-Nzali
Universite de Montpellier, France

Nowadays, social media like Facebook and forums are increasingly used by patients and health professionals. Most often, patients are laymen in the medical field. They use slang, abbreviations and their own vocabulary in their exchanges. In this talk, I describe the construction of a lexical resource that aligns the vocabulary of patients to that of health professionals. Our first goal is to use PAT (Patient Authored Text) derived from social media to build a French CHV (Consumer Health Vocabularies) in the field of breast cancer, by collecting various kinds of patients' expressions (abbreviations, frequent misspelled words and everyday words diverted by non-experts to talk about their diseases) and then relate them to biomedical words. Secondly, we use the constructed vocabulary to process our data and apply LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) to detect the different topics discussed by patients in social media and compare them with the predefined topics existing in the auto-questionnaries used in clinical trials.