DATE: Friday, Mar. 14, 2003
TIME: 3:30 pm
PLACE: Council Room (SITE 5-084)
TITLE: Case Authoring from Text and Historical Experiences
PRESENTER: Marvin Zaluski

The problem of repair and maintenance of complex systems, such as aircrafts, cars and trucks is certainly a nontrivial task. Maintenance technicians must use a great amount of knowledge and information resources to solve problems that may occur. This talk will describe a semi-automated tool that sorts through the mass of information a maintenance technician must consult in order to make a repair, thus helping him decide how to tackle the problem and thereby increasing his efficiency and, possibly, his reliability. Our tool was developed using state-of-the-art Case-Based Reasoning and Information Extraction technologies. More specifically, we developed a semi-automated Case Authoring method that creates a Case-Base in two steps. It begins by extracting knowledge from readily available resources such as technical documents and follows by complementing those cases using individual experiences in the maintenance organization. The case-base developed is a reflection of the knowledge encoded in the technical documentation and an authentication of the cases with real historical instances. The presentation will outline the steps taken to develop the Case-Base with our methodology and describe how it is applied to the technical documentation and data sets within the aerospace domain. Some discussion and results from its application will also be presented at this time.