The Text Analysis and Machine Learning Group

Executive summary | What is Knowledge Management? | The team | Brief history |


Council Room (SITE 5-084)

Fall 2018

Sept 12, 1pm
Vasile-Daniel Pavaloaia
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania

Opinion Mining of Customers Using Social Media and CRM Social Improvement

Sept 13, 1pm
unusual day
Mircea Georgescu
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania

The Network Effect: Insight into How the Internet of Things Will Transform Society and Business

Oct 10, 1pm
Haifa Alharthy
University of Ottawa

A content-based book recommender system

Nov 7, 1pm
Raluca Tanasescu
University of Ottawa, School of Translation and Interpretation

On How Chaos Theory Could Enhance Translation Scholarship

Dec 5, 1pm
Kathleen Fraser

Natural language processing for the detection of dementia

Dec 11, 1:30pm
Unsual day/time/location
Odd Erik Gundersen
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Reproducibility in Artificial Intelligence