DATE: Wed, Sept 12, 2018
TIME: 1 pm
TITLE: Opinion Mining of Customers Using Social Media and CRM Social Improvement
PRESENTER: Vasile-Daniel Pavaloaia
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania

Within social networks, the emotional status of customers of important brands has a significant impact on their social behavior depending on the type of viewed posts (photos or videos). This study examines how social media technology usage and customer-centric management systems should contribute to a firm-level capability of social customer relationship management (CRM). Within the current research there are investigated the aspects that highlight the differences between the emotional impact of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola clients upon their activity on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest for each type of post (photos or videos). Drawing from the literature in social media, customer relationship management and marketing, the contribution of this study is the conceptualization and measurement of social media capability in the brand companies by using various statistical tools and sentiment analysis (also known as opinion mining).
The current research deals with a subject of great magnitude for any company that wants to survive in the actual economy, characterized by a continuous increase of the competitiveness. If organizations do not begin to change their way of developing business models based on the new digital age, according to an article written in April 2015 by Forrester specialists, it is estimated that about 1 million B2B sales agents will lose their jobs by 2020, in favor of e-commerce. The survival methods conduct to an increase of sales in the social environments (social selling) by adopting a social strategy to the set of sales tools. Future digital experiences will be impacted by the rapid advances in mobile technology and the evolution of Social Media. Therefore, organizations strive to provide a synchronized experience across channels and integrated business platforms. In this way it will be able to meet the new level of competitive customer management as the customers are no longer passive, but mostly proactive. Therefore, the study is structured on six sections and contains a study regarding the emotional analysis of customer's behavior regarding their reactions on different social networks.
In terms of processing and interpretation of data, especially the performance indicators, several mathematical and statistical methods were used, especially statistical estimation for defining statistical hypotheses that have to be confirmed or infirmed on the basis of statistical tests within statistical comparisons. The test development environment for hypothesis testing was R Studio together with the R language that proposes a pack of tools for sentiment analysis purposes (NLP - helps with data processing; TM - provides text mining features; Syuzhet, sentiment - performs the analysis of feelings on the text; vcd, vcdExtra - provides features for statistical tests, ggplot2, mosaic plot - libraries for graphing).

Bio: Daniel Pavaloaia obtained his PhD in Accounting Information Systems in 2008 and he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Accounting, Business Informatics and Statistics at "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi. His teaching subjects and research interests include Enterprise Resource Planning, Information Technologies for Business Administration and Public Sector, Business Process Modeling and Artificial Intelligence for Business. Over the last 10 years, he has more than 40 individual and co-authored articles, has authored 10 books and presented his work in more than 20 international conferences.