DATE: Thu, Nov 10, 2014
TIME: 1 pm
PLACE: Council Room (SITE 5-084)
TITLE: MyAnnotator: An Error Annotation Tool for Language Teachers
PRESENTERS: Marie-Josee Hamel, Nikolay Slavkov, Dingwen Xiao and Diana Inkpen
University of Ottawa

MyAnnotator is a R&D collaborative project between Applied Linguists (Hamel & Slavkon, OLBI) and Computer Scientists (Xiao, Carleton U. & Inkpen, EECS) which aims at the development of a Natural Language Processing (NLP) based Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) tool to support the provision of Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) in language teaching and learning. MyAnnotator offers teachers a multilingual, customizable environment to annotate language learners' texts and comes with comprehensive statistical features that students can retrieve. The presentation will highlight the motivation for the development of such a tool while a beta version of MyAnnotator will be demonstrated.

Short bios:
Marie-Josee Hamel is a professor at the OLBI and director of its research centre, the CCERBAL. She has a PhD in Language Engineering from UMIST and currently holds a University research Chair in CALL.
Nikolay Slavkov is an assistant professor at the OLBI and Editor-in-Chief of its publication Cahiers de l'ILOB. He has a PhD in Linguistics from uOttawa and has diverse interests in childhood bi/multilingualism, second language acquisition and teaching, and technology.
This is joint work with Dingwen Xiao (who just finished MSc in Computer Science) and Diana Inkpen (who is a professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science).