DATE: Friday, Sept. 27, 2002
TIME: 3:30 pm
PLACE: Council Room (SITE 5-084)
TITLE: Entropy based approximate reducts and networks
PRESENTER: Dominik Slezak
Polish-Japanese Institute for Information Technology

Information entropy measures are widely applied to evaluate the degree of probabilistic dependencies between random variables. At the level of data analysis, one can efficiently apply entropy to selection, extraction and reduction of features providing optimal data models. We discuss two applications of information entropy to modeling data dependencies:

The first application is related to the rough set approach to the construction of classification models. It is based on the paradigm of reducing attributes irrelevant with respect to determining a distinguished
decision attribute. The degree of such irrelevance can be expressed in probabilistic terms, by using entropy. Hence, one can consider a kind of approximate reduction principle, claiming that attributes should be removed during the reduction process, if and only if entropy of the model remains approximately at the same level. We discuss various specifications of this principle, as well as computational complexity of optimization problems concerning the search for entropy based approximate decision reducts.

The second application is related to the notion of an approximate Bayesian network, capable to encode the statements about approximate conditional independence between random variables. The usage of information entropy to approximate the notion of probabilistic independence is a natural consequence of its fundamental properties. The notion of an entropy based approximate decision reduct becomes to correspond to the notion of an approximate Markov boundary - irreducible subset of random variables making a distinguished variable approximately independent from the rest of them. We discuss the advantages of dealing with approximate conditional independence statements and approximate Bayesian networks while analyzing real life data. We also show mathematical foundations for generalizing results concerning classical Bayesian networks onto the entropy based approximate case.