DATE: Tue, Nov 15, 2022
TIME: 9:30 am
PLACE: In SITE 5084 and on Zoom
TITLE: Interdisciplinary Research: Methods from other Disciplines enhancing Software Engineering Research
PRESENTER: Ita Richardson
University of Limerick, Ireland

Abstract: During my career, I have undertaken research on my own and with different groups of people. Working on my own and within my research team, the research tended to be inward looking, focusing on one topic only. When researching with other groups, particularly in software process and global software development, the research became more outward focused, as each group brought different knowledge to the work. Expanding this outward focus, increasingly working with disciplines outside software engineering, has brought a richness to my research, which, I believe, could not have been the case if I had continued with an inward focus. There is much value to be achieved through doing interdisciplinary research, considering topics where disciplines intersect. We often think of interdisciplinarity as bringing together topics which might be seen as miles apart from each other, an example being healthcare and software engineering. But, I will also discuss interdisciplinarity as it pertains to topics in which the knowledge is more closely aligned, an example being agile methods and global software development. I will present examples of research from the interdisciplinary environment which has helped to move disciplines forward. During COVID-19, for example, we saw how healthcare changed due to software. Implementation of e-Pharmacy systems could not have happened without prior research on how pharmacy works in practice combined how regulations on security and privacy should be implemented in software. We have a new understanding about how companies are implementing hybrid software processes because of the HELENA project. Apart from the research itself, there is other value achieved from interdisciplinary research - such as working with researchers outside our immediate field and publishing in interdisciplinary venues. I do recognise that it is not all plain sailing - there are difficulties to be faced. However, my view is that the value outweighs these difficulties. Using successful research stories from recent Lero projects, my argument is that there is value in interdisciplinary research.

Bio: Prof Ita Richardson is Professor of Software Quality in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at the University of Limerick, a Co-Principal Investigator in Lero - the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Software, and a Principal Investigator in the Ageing Research Centre in UL. She leads projects on Global Software Engineering, Software Process, Digital Health and Gender issues in STEM. She has over 200 publications, has supervised 20 PhD students to completion and is currently supervising 3 PhD students. She has received funding for her research from a variety of agencies including Science Foundation Ireland, Irish Research Council, European Union and Enterprise Ireland. Her collaborators have included IBM, Ocuco and Johnson & Johnson, and public bodies such as University Hospital Limerick Group and the Irish Health Service Executive. Prof Richardson led the University of Limerick Equality and Human Rights portfolio from 2017-2020.