The Text Analysis and Machine Learning Group

Executive summary | What is Knowledge Management? | The team | Brief history |


Council Room (SITE 5-084)


Jan 12, 1pm
Bita Omidi
University of Ottawa

Enhancing fairness in supervised machine learning

May 18, 1pm
Ali Hakimi Parizi
University of New Brunswick

Cross-lingual word embeddings for low-resource and morphologically-rich languages

June 29, 1pm
Nuno Guimaraes
University of Porto, Portugal

Identification of Unreliable Accounts in Social Networks: Current Approaches and Real-world Scenarios

Nov 30, 11:30am
Yansong Li
University of Ottawa

GAN-RoBERTa: a Robust Semi-Supervised Model for Detecting Anti-Asian COVID-19 Hate Speech on Social Media